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T-Boz Talks TLC Tour, Reality Show and Possible TLC x Drake Collaboration (Video Inside)


In a recent interview with Soledad O’Brien, TLC member, T-Boz Watkins dished on everything that’s going on in her life during the past couple of months. In the interview, T-Boz talked about the upcoming TLC tour, what it’s going to be like touring without Left Eye and more.

“It’s like a bittersweet situation.. But she’s on like big screens like in here, and we’re rocking together, and it’s fun. She’s not there, but she is there”, said T-Boz.

The songstress turned reality star obviously touched on her new reality show, Totally T-Boz and possible plans of TLC collaborating with Drake. A TLC track featuring Drake?? Now that’s something we’d pay to hear. Check out T-Boz’ full interview below.

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