Breaking: Deaf Man Stabbed After Man Mistakes ‘Sign Language’ For Gang Signs


    robert neal allegedly stabbed deaf man in north caroina

    According to reports over at, Terrance Daniels of Burlington, NC  was allegedly stabbed multiple times earlier this week, after a passerby assumed that he was throwing up gang signs. Daniels was actually just having a sign language conversation with another hearing-impaired man.

    Now the twist in the story is that Robert Neal, the 22 year-old who stabbed Daniels, wasn’t actually a gang member himself! So it looks like he was just an overzealous citizen taking matters into his own hand. Reports from North Carolina’s WGHP Channel 8 claims that there may have been alcohol involved.

    Reports also claim that after Daniels was stabbed, he stumbled to a nearby intersection where he collapsed into a patch of grass and was taken to the hospital where he is now recovering. Police eventually arrived on the scene and arrested Neal.

    Police arrested 22-year Robert Jarell Neal and charged him with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury and felony assault on a handicapped person. He’s in the Alamance County jail on a $500,000 bond. It’s not known if Neal has an attorney. Source

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