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Woman To Woman: Mary J Blige Speaks About Mentoring Possibly Rihanna


Mary J. Blige has seen her share of drama in her life. From her many disastorous, sometimes violent relationships with high profile men in the industry to her fights with her label to allow her individuality to shine, MJB could serve as mentor to many young ladies in the game.

So it was no shock with the Queen Of Hip-Hop Soul volunteered her assiatnce to Rihanna.
In a recent interview with by L.A. Confidential, MJB was asked whether or not Rihanna needs a mentor like herself to help keep Ri RI on the right track and Mary J answered, “If they ask me for help, I’ll be there to give. But I’m not going to be out there trying to reach out. I mean, some people I’ll reach out to. I’ll reach out to Rihanna because I know Rihanna. If I feel like she’s in trouble, I’ll be there reaching out. I don’t want to not reach out to her like we didn’t get to Whitney in time.”

If anyone could give some words of wisdom to Rihanna, it could be the Queen of Hip Hop and R n B.

SOURCE: Huffington Post

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