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Notorious B.I.G.’s Daughter, Tyanna Wallace Revisits Biggie’s Legacy

t'yanna wallace

In a recent interview with Global Grind, Tyanna Wallace, the 19 year old daughter of the late Notorious B.I.G. shows just how grown up she’s become. Global Grind cameras followed T’yanna, who is now a business student at Penn State around the Bed-stuy neighborhood of Brooklyn where she talks about what she would do if she could hang with her father for one day, her relationship with Biggie’s son and more. Check out the full interview below.

Slain Brooklyn rapper Christopher “Notorious B.I.G.” Wallace was killed with “very rare” metal-piercing German ammunition that could help unlock his 1997 unsolved murder, new files released by the FBI reveal.

The so-called 9mm Gecko bullets are sold exclusively at two distributors in the U.S. – one in California and one in New Jersey – the 359-page cold case file released under the Freedom of Information Act says.

According to the feds, ammunition also thought to be 9mm Gecko was later found in the residence of rogue Los Angeles Police Department cop David Mack – along with a “shrine” to Tupac Shakur – when Mack was busted for bank robbery shortly after Wallace’s death.

The FBI scrubbed Mack’s name from the paperwork, but his identity is clear based on previously released information about his robbery conviction and the Shakur shrine uncovered in his garage.

“LAPD has also never matched the ammunition found (redacted) during the search after the bank robbery with the bullets used to kill Biggie,” an FBI chronology from 2002 states. “It is unclear whether the 9mm Gecko ammunition has ever been compared to some of the 9mm ammunition found (redacted) that is believed to be Gecko.”

Investigators wrote they were unaware of any tests conducted to connect the bullets.Read more on his death by clicking here.

Source: New York Daily News/GlobalGrind 

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