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Shawty Lo Fights Back, Starts Petition to Get Reality Show Back On Air

shawty lo

Although Author Sabrina Lamb and others who signed a petition to have Shawty Lo’s “All My Babies Mamas” reality show seemed victorious yesterday, it looks like Shawty Lo isn’t taking the situation lightly. After news circulated yesterday that Oxygen has officially canned his reality show, Shawty Lo’s camp started their own petition to get the show green-lighted again.

According to RumorFix, Kali Bowyer, a rep for Shawty Lo claims that they’ve received over 123,000 emails to their Atlanta offices wanting the show to be saved. As of now, Shawty Lo’s petition has reached 500 signatures in under 24 hours.

Yesterday (January 16) the rapper talked with Mz Shyneka and Emperor Searcy of Atlanta’s Hot 107.9 and had this to say:

“Yeah I really understand. They have the right to think that, but at least give the show a chance, to see what’s goin’ on. They makin’ their assumptions off a 13-minute trailer and this like the biggest news around the world right now and it’s unbelievable.”

What do you think about Shawty Lo’s decision to fight back? Check out the full interview he did yesterday on Hot 1079 below:

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