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They Caught This Fool! Alleged Hollywood Nightclub Shooter Arrested in Las Vegas

hollywood night club shooter

It looks like the jig is up for Robert Earl Thomas III of California. The 21-year old alleged Hollywood nightclub shooter killed a partygoer and wounded another after firing into a crowd, early Sunday morning during the let-out at L.A.’s Empire Nightclub. After the shooting, Thomas allegedly fled the scene and ended up at a friend’s house in Las Vegas, where he was tracked down and arrested by police on Wednesday.

“Basically, the club was shutting down. We were on our way out. A couple girls got into a scuffle. A couple guys tried to get involved to break it up and while that was going on I guess the guys got a little heated,” said a Empire nightclub witness.  Thomas is currently being held in a Las Vegas jail and the authorities are working to extradite him back o California. Check out the video below of Thomas shooting the victims Sunday night.


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