Django Action Figures Sales Have Been Shut Down! (Video Inside)


    django action figures

    Looks like petitions and protests have the upperhand in many controversial issues today in the media world. Finally, after advocacy groups like Al Sharpton’s National Action Network and Project Islamic Hope fought the sale of the “slavery dolls”, the Django action figures have been discontinued.

    That’s right. According to TMZ, Al Sharpton’s group and other community leaders told Weinstein, the toy manufacturer of the action figures  to put an end to selling the dolls – “or else”.  TMZ is saying that the toy company wholeheartedly agreed with the discontinuance, and never intended to offend anyone with the figures. According to rumors, there were only about 1,000 figures made before Weinstein stopped production.

    TMZ got a chance to talk to Christoph Waltz, out of the Django cast, out in Hollywood. Check out the video below:

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