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Teyana Taylor and Trina Get Roller Glam for Ka’oir Cosmetics Photo Shoot


The first lady of G.O.O.D. Music, Teyana Taylor teamed up with the former first lady of Slip-N-Slide, Trina and entrepreneuer, Keyshia Ka’oir for a photoshoot for her new beauty line, Ka’oir Cosmetics.

The trio rocked retro roller glam looks, sporting knee highs socks, daisy dukes, roller skates and of course, Ka’oir lip colors. The photo shoot took place in Miami, where Keyshia tweeted “Photoshoot was a success thanks to my sisters @TRINArockstarr & @TEYANATAYLOR!! ❤ Y’all!’ #ShowOff #HarlemKnight#TheAmericanDream“.  Check out more pics from below from the photo shoot.

Via Necole Bitchie

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