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Snoop Lion Rastafarian Lifestyle Gets Approved By Rohan Marley (Video Inside)

snoop dogg
Bunny Wailer can fall all the way back because according to reports on TMZ, Snoop Dogg aka Snoop Lion has just received the Rastafarian approval he needed from Rohan Marley, son of the legendary Bob Marley.
Now, Rohan says he knows all about the attack on Snoop from Bunny Wailer and the Rastafari Millennium Council, but he doesn’t care. He told TMZ that those guys have the “Rasta” game twisted.
“Our father’s name should not even be mentioned in this issue because like a true Rasta, he would have embraced Snoop’s reincarnation and welcomed the positivity.”
The Marley Son continued with:
Why condemn a man for his love of Rastafari and Bob Marley? We have been cool with Snoop before his transformation and he will continue wo  have our blessings and support.
So, there you have it. Snoop Lion has been approved, by the late great Bob Marley’s son, himself. What do you guys think? Post your comments below and check out this recent footage of Snoop Lion:

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