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T.I. Reveals He’s Appearing on Justin Timberlake’s 20/20 Experience (Video Inside)


We know that Justin Timberlake has already called on Roc Nation head, Jay Z to appear on his upcoming album the 20/20 Experience, but now it looks like another hip hop veteran will be appearing, and that would be the one and only, T.I.

In a recent interview with MTV News, T.I. revealed that he’s already recorded two or three tracks with JT that could possibly appear on the upcoming album, saying:

“Yeah, I spoke to JT. Me, him and Tim was on the phone… I did a record for them at the end of last year. They were working on a record together, and I had the pleasure of assisting them on their particular record… I think it’s called ‘Goodbye Homey,’ one of them is, and then there is another one; I did maybe two or three records with them.”

T.I. revealed the meaning behind “Goodbye Homey”, saying:

‘Goodbye Homey’ is really, it’s saying goodbye to something that is very special to you… Not necessarily a person; it could be a time of your life, it could be an experience, it could be a relationship, it could be a friend that’s passed on. ‘Goodbye Homey,’ it has so many meanings and definitions. So when you hear it, you absorb it, and then whatever it means to you is what we intended.”


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