Exclusive Interview: Freeway Ricky Chimes In On The Ricky Rozay Shooting Incident



    Early yesterday morning, news broke across the world that rapper Rick Ross was shot at while driving through Florida after coming home from a birthday party. The rapper survived, but his car, a Rolls Royce was severely damaged when it crashed into an apartment complex. Late last night, Freeway Ricky spoke to Hip Hop Enquirer about what happened to Rick Ross, how he felt Ross could make whatever situations that are surrounding him go away and what advice he would give to him if he could.

    Ross, nor his company, Maybach Music Group or its parent company Warner Brothers have released a statement about what happened as of yet, but the streets have certainly been talking and speculating about the circumstances. It’s known that Ross has had his problems with the Gangster Disciples, a nationwide gang based out of Chicago over what seems to be an issue over a broken promise to attend community events put on by the GD’z. The group organized several factions of the gang across the country to make online videos threatening Ross and promoters who were booking his shows that Ross was not allowed in certain parts of the country.


    If the Gangster Disciples had anything to do with what happened yesterday to Ross is yet to be known. The local police department handling the shooting have not released any leads or suspects in the shooting. One person who has had issues with Ross in the past seems to feel whatever Ross is going through, he brought it on himself. Freeway Ricky Ross, the legendary drug kingpin and the man from whom Ross took his name has been vocal when it comes to Ross and how Ross isn’t living what he speaks in his rhymes.

    HipHopenquirer.com: I know you heard about what happened last night to Ross. When you heard the news, how did it affect you?

    Freeway Ricky: Well, the good thing is that he is ok. It’s always sad to see anybody get hurt. Luckily he got away this time.

    Hiphopenquirer.com: Do you feel like his issues with the Gangster Disciples were at the heart of what happened?

    Freeway Ricky: I don’t know if it’s the GD’z. Whoever it is, when you’re living life a certain way, or you’re living in a certain environment and you don’t understand that environment that you’re in and you do something that violates the rules, and then sooner or later it comes back to get you. In the ghetto you have to live out a certain set or rules. In the hood, they don’t go to court and sue you. They usually take it up with their fists or with guns or knives. It’s a different environment that he’s in now.

    Hiphopenquirer.com: How do you feel that Ross could solve this problem?

    Freeway Ricky: Basically, what he should do is start playing straight and start playing by the rules. When I was coming up, we had rules. We did business on a handshake. If you violated those rules, that could cost you your life. And he has to understand that, this stuff is a lot more serious than what it looks like or what people rap about on records. Hopefully he takes whatever it is that he has to take care or pay whoever it is that he owes. I get a lot of people who call me saying that he owes them this or he said that. He did a documentary about guys in Miami, kingpins or something and those guys didn’t like it. I got mail from guys in the penitentiary asking how they could stop him from putting their names basically in music or in films.

    Hiphopenquirer.com: If you could give any advice to Rick Ross right now, what would it be?

    Freeway Ricky: I think I could. But he won’t listen to me. I’ve been trying to advise him since the first day we spoke on the phone. I tried to give the kid advice. I guess he thinks I got these gray hairs just from being old. He doesn’t understand that I maneuvered out of these streets and had more money than most of them have now. And I had real money, real paper money. Not make believe money where you waiting on the 3rd quarter to get a check. I got my check every single day. I had people carry mine in duffel bags, I know about having money and living in the ghetto and being around killers. I think I can definitely help him out of that situation, but is he willing to take that advice. I don’t think so, at least not from me.

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine|Follow us on twitter @hiphopenquirer


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