Tami Roman Covers BE Entertained Magazine, Talks Reality Show Persona, Acting & More (Pics Inside)


    tami roman

    Reality show star/former basketball wife/actress, Tami Roman is gracing the cover of the latest digital issue of BE Entertained Magazine. Tami, who recently started her latest venture as an actress on the upcoming TV One sitcom, Belle’s, graced the magazine cover and discussed some personal issues in the cover story.

    Tami, who had previously gained a reputation as the confrontational, drama-filled personality on hit reality show, Basketball Wives, touches on how her persona has changed since the show first began and her new Evny weight loss product endorsement, saying:

    “I started working on my self and my mental, and that caused me to say you know what Tami, get your presentation together too. I found a product called Envy, and I know people are infamous for attaching their names to all type of products, but I actually used this product and it worked for me. Then Envy contacted me to BE the spokesperson for the product BEcause I had a real life true testimony.”

    tami roman

    You can check out Tami’s entire cover story over at BE Magazine.

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