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Joey Bada$$ Fires Back at Lil B in “Don’t Quit Your Day Job” Diss Track

joey bada$$

Last year it was Meek Mill vs. Cassidy, and now it looks like Lil B and Cinematic Music Group’s Joey Bada$$ are the latest rappers to get caught up in a rap beef. According to XXL, Lil B released a diss track towards Joey Bada$$ last night titled, “I’m a Bada$$”. The track is supposedly a late response from Lil B after Joey supposedly slighted the rapper on a song called “Survival Tactics” which featured the late Capital STEEZ.

We don’t know why Lil B waited so long to respond, but check out what he had to say in “I”m a Bada$$”:

At first it appeared that 18-year old Joey Bada$$ wasn’t going to respond as he tweeted “Truthfully basedgod, your not worth the time.. Im glad eye was tho.. Keep bangin”, and “A lil offended that he didnt go harder than that”.

But in true emcee fashion, Joey couldn’t let Lil B get away scot-free, so the Pro Era rapper dropped his rebuttal track “Don’t Quit Your Day Job” late last night. Check it out below and let us know who you think has the upper hand in the Joey Bada$$ vs. Lil B beef.

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