Lil Boosie Talks About Prison Life And Plans To Pen A Memoir (Video Inside)


    Lil Boosie

    Lil Boosie “Boo” still sits behind bars, serving a prison sentence for drug possession even after being found not guilty of first-degree murder in May 2012. But finally Boosie spoke, in an exclusive interview with Spin where he talked about his time in prison as well as what his plans are after his release.

    Boosie took time to state that the support of his family and fans is what helped him ride his sentence out like a soldier. He also told Spin, that he feels as though his life’s mission is yet to be completed, that his time in prison has helped him to reinvent himself as an artist and a person.

    “I’ve coped by knowing in my heart that I’m someone special who many people love. If you lose hope in yourself, you’ll make your time hard,” he said. “I always felt that my mission wasn’t complete. I feel I haven’t reached the star power that was destined for me. That makes me keep writing and thinking of ways to better myself as a man and artist…this situation forced me to look at things differently. I had to suffer to learn things about myself, those surrounding me, and God. He put me through this pain for me to come back stronger.”

    As for his after-prison plans? Boosie revealed that he has written over 500 songs and that he plans on penning his own memoir, entitled “The Truth No Lies”, once he’s out of prison.

    “I feel that I’m making the best music I’ve ever made. The more I go through in life the better my music gets and it’s been crazy the last three years. I keep my music heartfelt and stick to making real music. I wouldn’t even say it’s Hip Hop music. My music is ‘reality rap.’ Hip Hop music can make you dance and bob your head, but it can’t make you cry or touch your heart like reality rap.”

    When speaking on the memoir, he stated, “I just felt the world needed to hear my life story so those who don’t understand certain things that I rap about, like the struggle, will understand that it’s the struggle that made me who I am today. I want people to know that it’s bigger than rap with me. I have a good heart. I want people who never took the time out to listen to me, to give me a chance.”

    The rapper’s actual release date has changed from February, but his attorney has estimated that he’ll be released sometime this summer. Read the full story at Spin and check out this throwback Boosie video “I Remember” below:

    Hip  Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us @hiphopenquirer

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