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Cyhi the Prince Talks New Mixtape, Ivy League: KickBack (Video Inside)

cyhi the prince

Just yesterday, Cyhi the Prince dropped his latest mixtape, Ivy League: Kickback which features appearances from the likes of 2 Chainz, Big KRIT, B.o.B., Trae the Truth, Chidish Gambino and more. Before the mixtape officially dropped, the G.O.O.D. music artist sat down with Atlanta’s 3 Little Digs to discuss the inspiration behind the project and why this is a side of Cyhi many of us have never seen before.

Cyhi explained the basis behind the new mixtape, saying:

It’s like the more party side of me. The lighter side of me. I love hip hop so much, that I like to give real stories, but sometimes I like to have fun too. So I’m just doing some records that I feel I would like to party to, that I’d like to kickback too. 

You can download Ivy League: Kickback over at Dat Piff, and check out Cyhi’s full interview below.

Via 3 Little Digs

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