Lost One: Happy Birthday Trayvon Martin (Video Inside)


    trayvon martin

    Today would’ve been the 18th birthday of  Trayvon Martin . Normally, this would be just another day on the calendar for the average person. His birthday might’ve been something you would’ve known only if it popped up on your Facebook timeline as “today is Trayvon’s birthday.” Even then, there’s a chance you would’ve just ignored it. It’s hard to ignore February 5th any more. This is a day that few would forget.

    While this day is simply the born date of Trayvon Martin, it became a day to remember last year, after  Trayvon was gunned down in the small city of Sandford, Florida as he walked  from the store to his father’s house after picking up a bag of skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea. He was wearing a hoodie and supposedly looked “suspicious”. He would be killed that night by an overzealous “neighborhood watchman”.

    The assailant,  George Zimmerman would go on to be charged in the shooting death of the teen. The story of how he got shot and why, would go on to cause a media firestorm that would divide the country sharply down the middle as Zimmerman plead not guilty for reasons of self-defense. The city’s

    lack of concern for what happened to Trayvon and how the police seemed to handle Zimmerman, would cause protestors from all across the globe to call attention to the murder and support basic human rights. The country itself looked like a scene from a 1950’s news loop with White people and African-American’s wondering when the other would get proper justice. February 26th 2012 was a sad day.

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    Out of that sadness, we take time today to remember the good. Trayvon’s death that day would mean that his birthday, today, would always be something to remember. It’s a day when you look back and think about how lucky you have been over your own life. It’s a day when you hug your children, nieces and nephews a little closer. It’s a day when you pray for a family that you have no real connection too other than the fact that their son looked a lot like someone you may have known at one point in your life.

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    February 5th is still just another day on the calendar, but because of what happened last February, it now means so much more. Today, George Zimmerman went back to court, where he and his defense team asked the judge to delay the trial. His request was denied. If you ask his parents, I’m sure they couldn’t have thought of a better gift to give their son today. Happy birthday Trayvon Martin.

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