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Eww!: Rapper AP.9 Claims To Have Had Unprotected Sex With Ice T’s Wife Coco

Eww!: Rapper AP.9 Claims To Have Had Unprotected Sex With Ice T’s Wife Coco

Ice T and wife Coco

This is the story that will not stop. It was reported late last year that rapper  AP.9  and wife of hip-hop legend Ice-T, Coco allegedly had an affair while the 2 were in Las Vegas.

The tryst allegedly happened in Nevada while Coco was performing in the Las Vegas act peep-show. In a new interview with Star magazine the rapper admits that he and Coco did have relations that weekend. He didn’t stop there though.

In the interview, A.P.9 said, “I first met Coco at Surrender nightclub in Las Vegas. She invited me back to her table; I had a couple of drinks; we exchanged numbers. I could tell we had a physical attraction.”

He would continue saying, “She asked me, ‘What are you doing after the club?’ I said, ‘I’m probably just going to get a room and stay right here.’ She said, ‘Well, I’m going with you.”

The most explosive allegations made by A.P.9 in the interview was that Coco and he had sex.  “We had sex,” said A.P.9. “I don’t know who made the first move. It wasn’t making love; it was just sex.” The most damaging claim in the interview was when he said, “We had sex unprotected. I really hope she isn’t pregnant!”

After AP.9 posted pics of him and Coco snuggling in December, Ice-T tweeted, “Don’t get it twisted… I’m not happy about this s**t. Coco’s in Vegas. She has given me her explanation of the pics on the net from her first weeks out there with some dude.”

Ap9 did say that he hoped that Coco and Ice-T can get past the cheating scandal. “I got respect for Ice, and I’m not mad at her. But don’t lie about me. Everyone is looking at me like I’m the bad guy. I don’t have a reason to lie. But she has a reason to lie. She’s the one who’s married.”

We don’t know how much truth is to this story since all we have is a “rapper” that is garnering a lot of attention for taking a photo with another man’s wife. Would Ap.9 pass a polygraph? Something tells us this won’t be the last time we hear from AP.9 as the saga continues.

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