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New Video Alert: 50 Cent – “Financial Freedom”


It’s been 10 years since 50 Cent aligned with Dr. Dre and Eminem and dropped his dream achieving debut Get Rich Or Die Tryin’.

To help celebrate the occasion, Fif has dropped a new visual called “Financial Freedom.”

Curtis released the following statement regarding the visual:

“This was inspired by 10 years anniversary of GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN
I wrote the song so every time i hear it reminds me of it.
I wrote it the day before yesterday shot yesterday
it took me longer to find the beat than to actually write it.

I didn’t shoot the 3rd verse for you to focus on the lyrics. no GIRLS, no JEWELRY, RAW ENERGY , its just me
check it out”

Fifty is still scheduled to release his Street King Immortal project later this year.

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