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Singer Rihanna Scheduled to Perform Bob Marley Tribute with His Children at Grammys

Instagram: Badgalriri


Yesterday Rihanna instagram a picture of her and the late & the legendary Bob Marley’s children, leaving many fans suspicious of what RiRi had up her sleeve. Well today, it was confirmed that Rihanna and the sons of Bob Marley will perform a tribute for the late singer on music’s biggest night at the Grammys.

Bob Marley’s children and Rihanna

A publicist couldn’t keep the secret that about the performance as she tweeted the following:

#Grammys is gonna be ridiculous especially the tribute to #bobmarley feat. #rihanna #ziggymarley #damianmarley #brunomars

Also, Rihanna will be performing with Sting and Bruno Mars, make sure you check out performances from Chris Brown, Taylor Swift, the Lumineers, and more!

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