Penelope Soto, Teen Who Gave A Florida Judge the “Middle Finger” Apologizes Now Is Free

    Penelope Soto
    Penelope Soto
    Penelope Soto

    It was quite apparent from the video that went viral showing a Miami Dade County teenager named Penelope Soto being very disrespectful to Superior Court Judge Jorge Rodriquez-Chomp was either on drugs or was crazy and based on what the court learned, the Penelope Soto was in fact under the influence of drugs. We reported here earlier last week that the teen appeared before the same judge and cursed at him as well as gave him the “middle finger” resulting in her receiving her sentence.

    In an emergency hearing requested by the teenager’s attorney, she was able to convince Judge Jorge Rodriquez-Chomp to show her some leniency and rescind a 30 day sentence he issued plus reduced her bond to five thousand dollars as he was convinced by the testimony of a prison doctor and that of Soto that she did in fact have a drug problem. Soto could barely hold back her tears as she was very apologetic to the judge and to see her mother by her side in support for her was very moving.

    Substance abuse is a very serious matter and for Judge Jorge Rodriquez-Chomp to show that much compassion for this teen was very admirable. Hopefully she will clean up her act and become a positive member of society.

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