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Fashion Alert: Kanye and Kim, and others Attend the Topshop Opening in LA

 Fashion Alert: Kanye and Kim, Chris Brown, Solange, and more Attend the Topshop Opening in L.A.

Kim Kardashian

Stylish stars came out to celebrate at the west coast opening for Topshop on Wednesday. Kim and Kanye stuck to their usual all black everything and leather pants. Singer Chris Brown wore a self-designed varsity jacket with a red heard sewn onto the jacket and J. Lo went towards a more futuristic look wearing a more mosaic-inspired dress.

Chris Brown
Solonge Knowles



Topshop is a British  retailer that specializes in cosmetics, fashion, accesories, and make-up. Founded in 1964, it has over 440 stores all over the world. Specializing in women’s fashion they started in a small humble basement and now they are one of the most recognizable retail brands in the world.

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