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“Love & Hip-Hop” Producer Mona Scott-Young Celebrates Birthday [Pictures]

“Love & Hip-Hop” Producer Mona Scott-Young Celebrates At Her Surprise Birthday Party

Mona Scott and Yandy Smith

On Friday, an intimate group of friends, family and staff of Monami Entertainment threw “Love & Hip Hop” creator/executive producer Mona Scott-Young a surprise birthday party at NYC’s Pink Elephant.

Guests included Hot 97 program director Ebro Darden, BET’s Rhonda Cowan, Yandy Smith (“Love & Hip Hop”), K.Michelle (“Love & Hip Hop Atlanta”), K. Foxx (Hot 97 personality), Ariane Davis (“Love & Hip Hop Atlanta”), Jamie Foster Brown (Sister 2 Sister), Kim Osorio (The Source), Misa Hylton, Jacquie Lee, Sidra Smith, Jas Fly and many more.

With her husband Shawn Young by her side, Mona was all smiles as she cut into a Christian Louboutin-inspired cake. Attendees wrote their birthday wishes on a giant board, while nodding to the sounds of DJ Chris Washington.

Peep the photos by Rowena Husbands below:

Rhonda Cowan, Mona Scott Young and Kim Osorio
Mona’s Louboutin Cake
K.Michelle and Mona Scott
Ebro Darden and K. Foxx
Ebro and Jas Fly
Mona and husband Shawn kissing
Mona Scott and Yandy Smith
Yandy and Ariane
Jacquie Lee, Ariane Davis, Sidra Smith[/caption

[caption id="attachment_40828" align="aligncenter" width="226"] Misa Hylton and Mona Scott

Jamie Foster Brown, K.Michelle and Mona Scott
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