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Kanye West and Kim Kardashian Baby’s Sex Revealed

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian reveal the sex of their baby.

Well, fans don’t have to wait any longer for the sex of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s baby bundle, because US Weekly has provided us with the scoop. Let’s prepare some princess-fit names, because “It’s A Girl!

That’s right. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are said to be expecting a baby girl, and they are reported to be ecstatic about it. Now, a source ‘close to US Weekly’ told them “They’re over the moon!” about the announcement. There must be plenty of reasons to guess why.  Right?

First off, Kim Kardashian comes from a beautiful family of dark-haired female beauties, and Kanye West, well the G.O.O.D music chief obviously takes pride in being indulged within the latest fashion trends himself. Hell, he even makes up his own trends to embark on the hip hop world, like his infamous “kilt”. This little girl is sure to be a walking fashionista, if she ends up stunting anything “like her daddy”.

Congratulations Kim and Kanye on your news. Hip Hop Enquirer will keep you updated with the latest news on “Baby Kimye”. Check out Kanye West’s most recent rant on stage. Not sure, but did he diss Justin Timberlake’s “Suit and Tie”? Watch the video and comment below:


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