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50 Cent’s Says Floyd Mayweather “Ducked” Manny Pacquiao On ESPN’s First Take [Video]

50 Cent’s Says Floyd Mayweather “Ducked” Manny Pacquiao On ESPN’s First Take

50 Cent joins the First Take debate desk to discuss his relationship with Floyd Mayweather Jr. and his thoughts on why Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao haven’t fought.

Skip Bayless: Did Floyd duck Manny Pacquaio?

50 Cent: Yes. He did duck the fight. That’s $100-million and
you just left it.

50 Cent also talks about his new job as a boxing promoter and says it’s no different from when fighters start record labels as Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson and Roy Jones have done in the past.

Peep the new Don King below:

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