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Trinidad James Releases Pieces of New Music in D.C. [Video]

Trinidad James drops new music samples at

Trinidad James gave an “All Exclusive” everything show to D.C. fans at the Howard theatre, dropping brand new music on the crowd. Now  Trinidad Jame’s “All Gold Everything” has taken the country by storm, and fans, especially college students can’t seem to get enough of the fashionably bold emcee. Jame’s tour reached the Howard theatre, and the young talented artist introduced some brand new songs to his fanbase. There is lot’s of energy in this clip. Trinidad James, accompanied by energetic hypmen, shut Howard theatre down just like he was supposed to. James’ Don’t Be S.A.F.E. album is available to purchase on Itunes right now!

Check out this exclusive clip of Trinidad James, rocking the crowd in the Nation’s capital. Tell us your thoughts in the section below:

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