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Iyanla Vanzant Checks DMX After He Curses At Her [Video]

DMX Curses At Iyanla Vanzant

Who says a dog can’t be tamed. We’ll find out on April 13th when DMX sits down for the second season opener of
Iyanla Vanzant’s “Fix My Life.”

In the teaser Iyanla Vanzant asks DMX if he’s high and it seems to all go downhill from there.

After telling her to “Shut the F Up,” Vanzant clearly stands her ground and lets him know she’s not intimidated by him. And why would she be, she stood her ground against Oprah and O came calling back.

Tune in to the season premiere of Iyanla: Fix My Life Saturday, April 13, at 10/9c on The Oprah Winfrey Network.

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