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MTV’s Sway Calloway Responds To Kanye West’s Rant & Will Co-Host Rap Fix Today With Kanye’s TV [Audio]

MTV’s Sway Calloway Responds To Kanye West

It’s that time of year again where the Hip-Hop brain trust at MTV talk about/debate/release of MTV’s Hottest MC’s in the Game list.

When compiling this list, many factors come into play: lyrics, style, sales, impact, buzz & intangibles — although many people may not agree, Kanye West was unhappy with the list, thus far, and as previously reported, Kanye had this to say…

“I couldn’t believe it. I gave Sway his first TV. He came over to my crib in Newark, NJ. I was living in Newark doing beats for Jay and Beans and all them and I was getting a new TV and I gave Sway his first TV. And really I didn’t really wanna even like call to talk about the #7 list, I just wanna tell everybody that I gave Sway his first TV. And he need to remember that.”

This morning on Shade 45′s Sway in the Morning, Sway defends the list, saying…

“We made a master list, then we started debating. Not everybody on the table agreed with every number of artist. Whether you average it out or you do the voting. This is where it comes. This is our list. That’s why it’s only people of MTV.”

In response to Kanye’s TV comment, Sway announced that he will be bringing that very TV that Kanye West gave him, to MTV’s Rap Fix Live at 4PM EST. on MTV Jams and

“There’s a lot about this story that Kanye West did not reveal. I’m gonna talk about the story of my first tv courtesy of Kanye West.”

Set your alarm for 4pm EST and catch Sway on MTV Rap Fix with special guests Lil’ Kim, Talib Kweli, and special co-host, Kanye’s TV.

This should be interesting.

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