Sway Calloway Unveils Kanye West’s TV On MTV’s Rap Fix [Video]


    Sway Calloway Unveils His “1st” TV Giving to Him By No Other Than Kanye West

    kanye west and sway calloway

    As previously reported, Kanye West wasn’t happy with his #7 position on MTV’s “Hottest In the Game” List and expressed his issues on Hot 97 in New York. Kanye also called himself checking Sway Calloway and reminded him that he gave the Hip-Hop griot his first television.

    Of course we all thought Kanye was bugging about the TV part as if we were supposed to belive Sway never had a TV before 2001. Well Sway pulled his card and unveiled the Sharp 36 inch television.

    This was just too funny the way Sway handles this. Sway 1, Kanye 0. Watch the clip and get your laugh on.


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