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T.I. – The Short Film “Addresses” [Trailer]

T.I. – “Addresses” The Short Film [Trailer]

It looks like T.I. is about to drop a new visual from Trouble Man as he continues to keep it street.

In case you haven’t heard it, “Addresses” is his response record to all those hating on him and questioning his rep in the streets. After several listens, its safe to say its directed at fellow ATL rapper Alley Boy and his Duct Tape crew though Tip refuses to say who the record is about for it will give his rivals more fame.

Tip rhymes on the track,

“That check I’m chasin’ after never mind them hater rapper/ Make they situation sticky like a now-and-later wrapper

Been fuckin’ city’s up, this shit ain’t shit to us/ Keep on, I show these folks on tape how you a sittin’ duck

Watch the clip and listen to the track and let us know who you think he’s addressing.

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