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Fashion Alert: Nicki Minaj Covers April Issue Of “Elle” Magazine [Photos]

Nicki Minaj Covers April Issue Of “Elle” Magazine [Photos]

Hip-Hop vixen Nicki Minaj will grace the cover of the April issue of Elle magazine which will hit stands on March 26th.

For the shoot, Nicki toned it down literally as she went for a neutral look and left the bright colored wigs and lipstick at home.

The Queen of YMCMB told Elle,

“When I saw myself with barely any makeup on, it was such a… like, I’m so, so attached to my pink lipstick, it’s hard. I feel that it’s become a part of me. To go in front of the camera, without pink lips or big ol’ crazy lashes- you know, nothing – I felt naked. It was scary! So this photo shoot was a real accomplishment in my eyes.”

Peep the spread and behind the scenes coverage below:

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