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Sharp ReplaSway’s “First TV” Given To Him By Kanye West Replaced With New 90-Inch “AQUOS” [Pictures]

Sway’s “First TV” Given To Him By Kanye West Replaced With New 90-Inch “AQUOS” [Pictures]

Kanye West and Sway’s celebrated television “Sharpeezy” just won’t go away and has now returned like the Incredible Hulk on steroids.

As previously reported,
Kanye West wasn’t happy with his #7 position on MTV’s “Hottest In the Game” List and expressed his issues on Hot 97 in New York. Kanye also called himself checking the respected Hip-Hop journalist and reminded him that he gave the Hip-Hop griot his “first” television.

Well the “beef” received highly publicized attention in the news and the social media networks and Sharp also took notice after #SwaysFirstTV started trending and Sway brought ‘Sharpeezy’ onto Rap Fix.

Sharp and ROKKAN (the Sharp’s social agency of record) are now smartly capitalizing off all the social media buzz and couldn’t leave the veteran personality with a 12-year-old hand-me-down tube TV, even if it was a gift from Kanye.

So this morning on Sirius’ ‘Sway in the Morning,’ live from SXSW, the Sharp team showed up in Austin with a surprise gift for Sway – the largest LED TV on the planet, Sharp’s new 90 inch AQUOS. What’s more, the team even gave Sway the original remote for the 36″ “Sharpeezy,” just in case he wanted to get nostalgic and lay off of Kanye, now that he finally got the remote.

I guess Sway can now really thank Kanye West for helping him get his first 90 inch television. I guess Yezzy taught him after all. The power of suggestion really works.

Please note: This story is best viewed watching it on a Sharp 90 inch television. (hint hint)!

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