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Mobb Deep Kiss & Makeup [Video]

Mobb Deep Kiss & Makeup [Video]

Queens’ dynamic duo Havoc and Prodigy have apparently put their differences aside and are ready to move forward.

Hip-Hop went through a shock last year as the heralded Mobb Deep went back and forth and called it quits. It even went as far as having physical threats and sexual preferences being questioned.

In the exclusive interview with MTV, Mobb Deep addresses the situation and getting back together with Havoc even admitting to sending out some harsh tweets about Prodigy in which he initially claimed his phone was stolen and someone else was sending out the venom.

Rolling like brothers for well over 20 years now, they also admitted that family fights and that it shouldn’t have been handled in public. Good to see Mobb Deep back together. Havoc and P are also rocking out on their 20th anniversary tour. Peep the dates and interview below.

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