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Ray J feat. Bobby Brackins – “I Hit It First” [New Music]

Ray J feat. Bobby Brackins – “I Hit It First” [New Music]

I guess the gloves are off as Ray J drops his new single “I Hit It First” featuring Bobby Brackins.

Knowing what we all know Ray J finally puts it out there that Kim Kardashian’s success is because of him no matter how many rappers and athletes she’s been tossed by since their sex tape hit the net some years back. Hell he made that whole family richer and didn’t get any residuals so I ain’t made at him.

The chorus and lyrics speaks for itself:

“She might move on rappers and ball players but we all know I hit it first.”

“I had her head going north and her ass going south but now baby chose to go West.”


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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