Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, Chairman Of The New Black Panther Party, To Speak In Atlanta
Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, Chairman Of The New Black Panther Party, is coming to Atlanta next week to discuss his recent trip to South Africa.
Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz will hold two speaking engagements with one being on the campus of Clark Atlanta and the other at the University Center.
The events will be hosted by Minister Hashim Nzinga, National Chief Of Staff of The New Black Panther Party.
Minister Nzinga states,
“Pass the word , make plans to be there , bring your children and your note books. Its our time to tell our story…… Lets break the chains with work an action, so our children don’t have to do our work, because we were to dam weak to stand, be counted, God is on our side!
The speaking engagements will also be streamed live at NewBlackPanther.com.
We will be covering this event live via Ustream as well. Will you be attending?

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