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Exclusive Coverage: Behind The Scenes of B. Stacks – ‘Just Different’ [Video]

B. Stacks takes fans behind the scenes of his mixtape intro,’Just Different’.

B. Stacks is definitely sweeping up the hip hop scene with his latest tape ‘Root of All Evil’, hosted by Don Cannon. Today, the young street lyricist provides us with more exclusive visuals, this time taking us behind the scenes of his intro video ‘Just Different’. Now,  B Stack’s is lyrical ‘loyalty’, one may state, with the way he’s able to paint stories for the masses on his tracks so vividly. This video clip shows you exactly that, but in a hip hop royal fashion. There are fancy chandeliers and scenery of the ‘good life’ plastered in the background of this video with a special appearance by hip hop veteran journalist and avid chess player Dennis Byron.

B. Stacks’s, R.O.A.E. dropped exclusively on, pulling unheard of numbers of support in the form of downloads and streams. The most recent visuals of his track, ‘Real Only’, were released only weeks ago. Today, he’s back on it. This is definitely a Stacks year. Fine wine, expensive suits, and nice whips are all accessories to the theme song ‘Just Different’. One thing is for certain, Stacks doesn’t need a gimmick, cause he lived it. Check out the proof below:

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