The Judge Is Giving Lauryn Hill Two Weeks [Video]


    Lauryn Hill was just given two weeks to pay her tax bill.


    According to reports at TMZ, Lauryn Hill has quite received her verdict from judge on her tax evasion charges. Ms. Hill has been given two weeks to come up with the money. The sentencing will continue on May 6th. Lauryn has to pay up, so these two weeks is opportunity for Ms. Hill to get her bread up. There is $968,000 worth of backed taxes that the legendary singer has to pay. On the flipside, Hill’s lawyer made a statement that Lauryn just signed a million-dollar deal with Sony Records. Her plan is to take out a $650,000 loan to put on her tab.

    If convicted, the actress/rapper could receive several years in prison. The attorney is hoping to get Hill probation. Imagine Lauryn Hill back in the game. Hip Hop could get a little interesting. Nevertheless, Lauryn’s gotta do something, because ‘Ready or Not’, that court date is coming. Check out the clip, provided by TMZ. Feel free to comment below.


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