Black Thought Of The Roots Talks Former Beef With Nas & Almost Slapping The Queens MC [Video]


    Black Thought Of The Roots Talks Former Beef With Nas & Almost Slapping The Queens MC [Video]

    TheRoots / black thought/ nass

    Black Thought of The Roots recently checked in with “The Combat Jack Show” and discussed how he almost slapped the daylights out of Nas.

    Now we know Nas has been known to misspeak his mind on occasion and then back pedal and here’s another classic example. Black Thought stated,

    “In some interview he made a comment about how wack it was for us to do the movie ‘Bamboozled’ with Spike Lee and ‘how you gonna call yourself The Roots and Black Thought or something and you’re portraying a group called The Alabama Porch Monkeys in Spike Lee’s movie with the ball and chain?’ Nas was spazzing out on a lot of people during that point in time because he was losing his mom. He had actual beef during that time and this was just a comment he made about The Roots I hadn’t interacted with him up until that point.”

    See what happened in the clip below:

    I would have liked to see this fight go down and my money would have been on Black Thought. Thought seems to have been in a beef or two growing up in Philly and Nas watched the happenings in the streets from his project window.

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us @Hiphopenquirer

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