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Who Murdered Kendrick Johnson??? Georgia Teen Found Dead Rolled Up In A Mat And Police Rule “No Foul Play”

Who Murdered Kendrick Johnson??? Georgia Teen Found Dead Rolled Up In A Mat And Police Rule “No Foul Play”

It appears that the life of young black males still mean nothing in the United States and the recent death and investigation behind the murder of 17-year-old high school sophomore Kendrick Johnson in Valdosta, Georgia is upholding that firm belief.

The basketball and football standout was found rolled up in a wrestling mat upside down inside the gym of Lowndes High School where he attended on January 11, 2013.

Lowndes County sheriff’s investigators have stated that Johnson fell into the center of the mats accidentally reaching for his shoe claiming he died because blood rushed to his head after being in an upside down position for too long.

Lowndes County’s Sheriff Prine also concluded that it was an accidental homicide and “no foul play” was involved.

They failed to mention though how young Kendrick also wound up with lacerations on his face and body.

What complicates this case even more is that the county coroner, Bill Watson, wasn’t notified on the day of the death and no one knows if evidence was tampered with or removed after the death.

Lowndes High School administration also refuses to release video footage of Kendrick’s last day at the school and none of the teachers or students noticed him missing from classes until his father called worried after his son didn’t come home that day. Johnson was last seen during third block going to fourth block that day.

Kendrick Johnson’s family has been protesting and fighting for answers for the past three months and wants a criminal investigation done because clearly this was no accident.

Several of his family members and protestors calling for Johnson’s autopsy to be released and for the case to be investigated as a murder have also been arrested for disturbing the peace.

Valdosta State University and the Morehouse College NAACP chapters have also helped organize protests in hopes that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation will follow-up and find out who killed this young man.

The family has also sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, the U.S. Justice Department and the U.S. Marshall’s Office asking them to look into the murder.

In the letter, his parents Kenneth and Jacqueline Johnson also state,

…”We believe that the absence of information, in combination with what should have been the scale of this investigation, raises serious concerns about the objectivity and competency of those involved in this investigation…”

Clearly something foul is going on here and there appears to be a major cover up or the police in Lowndes County are just incompetent. Either way this matter has to be brought to the light.

What are your thoughts on this case??? Murder or an accident…

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