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Ludacris Talks “Fast & Furious 6” With Jimmy Kimmel [Video]

Ludacris On Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Ludacris stopped by Jimmy Kimmel last night for his press run for Fast & Furious 6 and discussed a few other topics as well including his relationship with his daughter Karma whose more impressed with the ATL representer spitting verses with Justin Bieber on “All Around The World” than has platinum Hip-Hop accolades and his box office success.

Ludacris also told Kimmel that he has purchased some of the cars from the box office hit series as well as the difference between actor Christopher Bridges and his Hip-Hop persona.

Luda promised that his long-awaited 8th album Ludaversal album will be dropping later this year. Until then make sure to download his #IDGAF (I Don’t Give A Fu%k) mixtape which drops on May 24th and also the day Fast & Furious 6 hits theatres. The project will also feature French Montana and Young Jeezy.
Peep the interview now

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