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Breaking News Exclusive: Andre 3000’s Mother Dies A Day After His 38th Birthday

Andre 3000

Reported by Dennis Byron

Hip Hop Enquirer broke the story. Earlier today, Mrs. Sharon Benjamin Hodo, the mother of rap superstar Andre “3000” Benjamin passed away in her sleep according to a close family member. The cause of death is unknown at this time.

Mrs. Sharon Benjamin, affectionately known as “Ma Benjaman, Ms. B, and Nana,” died at the age of 58 and was a key player in the lives of OutKast during their formative teenage years as they grew into adulthood and served as one of the managers for “her boys” earlier in their career.

The wife of New Morning Light Baptist Church pastor Robert L Hodo of Conley, Georgia, Mrs. Hodo was also a successful real estate agent in the Atlanta area and was a life coach and game giver to many artists that came up in Tha A.

What makes this even sadder is Dre celebrated his 38th birthday yesterday.

Again our condolences go out to Dre, Big Boi, her grandson Seven and the entire Benjamin-Hodo family.

R.I.P. Mrs. Sharon Benjamin Hodo.

Hip-Hop Enquirer will keep you posted as the story develops.

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