HHE New Music: Quaz [@QuazMusic] ‘I’m Guud’ [Audio x Interview]
V.A.’s upcoming indie artist Quaz is in another class with his music.
Show love to the underground, and that’s exactly what we will do from time to time here at Hip Hop Enquirer. Today, we introduce you to rap artist Quaz, originally from Virginia Beach, presently residing in Charlotte, N.C. Quaz’s latest album release ‘Mosaic‘ is sure to quench your indie artist hip hop thirst. The up beat project includes tracks like ‘I’m Gudd’, ‘Million Bucks’, and ‘Black Out’. Quaz’s swift way of spitting, paired with his realistic perceptions on life and those around him, really stands out on this project. Hip Hop Enquirer took a few minutes out to ask Quaz some questions. The young indendent emcee had some interesting things to say. Check them out below:
HHE: Describe Q.U.A.Z. music in 3 words only.
Quaz: Inspiring, Southern, Lyricism
HHE: What do you have that other emcees don’t have?
Quaz: I have a way of capturing a moment in time with my music. I think i can bottle a life style or a scene with every 4 min song i put out. Not only am i
lyrical but I can evoke emotion as well. My greatest asset as an EMCEE however would be my diversity. I’m not a trapper, or just some monologue lyricist, or just a story-teller. I can do a lot of things well and I am not afraid to be diff.
HHE: Who is the hottest rapper out right now and why?
Quaz: Well when asked this question i first thought ME OF COURSE, LOL. Seriously i did, but taking my self out of the equation i would have to give hottest rapper out title to Drake. He has a way of talking about things we all can and or want to relate to. Everyone wants to feel like they started from the bottom on the road to success. Everyone wants to feel like they have had the same friends riding with them for years. These things don’t have to be true for you to relate, and they have nothing to do with race, socio-economic status, or gender. These are concepts that ya grandfather could relate to.
HHE: What’s the independent grind like, coming out of VA. How is the underground industry?
Quaz: The Independent grind….(SIGH). lol. Ok i love it because it’s creating the stories i can tell my kids about. The 2 hour road trips in a car with 3 guys just to perform in front of 200 people for 10 mins. The market is just so flooded with people who no longer wanna be fans but rappers them selves you have
to really work hard to stand out. There are a lot of snakes as well but i have a good team around me so I don’t give the negative folks much thought. Now coming outta VA things are…..well diff. Guys in the 757 area seem a bit confused on Identity. Are we NY or are we ATL? People in VA don’t support independent music as much as they do in Charlotte (where i currently reside) but because i rep VA to the fullest i do get love for that.
HHE: How do you want fans and future fans to keep up with you?
Quaz: The best way to keep up with me is going to be thru my website quazmusic.com and twitter @quazmusic Im revamping the website to focus more on my V-logs so that i can interact with ppl thru visual media.
You heard it here first. Check out Quaz’s hot single ‘I’m Gudd’. Then go over to iTunes and support a really talented indie artist, by purchasing – The Mosaic.
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