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#HHE Chops It Up With Indie Artist Blanco Caine [@BlancoCGE]

Blanco Caine shakes up indie world with ‘White America’ tape title.
Blanco Caine is up next out of Chicago, and he’s hitting the industry hard. This artist is one rebel, with his choice to release upcoming mixtape ‘White America’ during the time of so much NSA controversy. Having toured with artists like ‘LEP Bogus Boys’, Blanco Caine continues to bring flavor to the music industry. White America, powered by Supastar J Kwik and DJ Vic Lloyd, will be released in July. Hip Hop Enquirer actually chopped it up with the underground emcee, for a few fun questions. Check out what Caine had to say.

HHE: Three words to describe Blanco Caine Music.

Blanco Caine: Descriptive, honest, & me!
HHE: Name an emcee you admire or respect right now and why?
Blanco Caine:  T.I.; because no matter what’s thrown at him he endures through the times and most importantly wins.
HHE: Why should fans look out for your upcoming mixtape “White America”?
Blanco Caine: Because it’s not more of the same “tell’em what they wanna hear music”…this is what you need to hear. The music is catchy enough to sing along with, but throughout each record its gems being dropped…know that!
HHE: What’s in store for Blanco Caine and Hip Hop in 2013?
Blanco Caine: More projects, bigger marketing, and badder women. Lol.
HHE:  How do fans stay in contact?
Blanco Caine: Twitter: @blancocge Instagram: blancocaine Facebook: Blanco Caine Website:

While you wait on the upcoming EP from the rebellious rapper, check out the single ‘Spendaholic‘ , from the White America. 


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