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Breaking News: George Zimmerman Jury Picked, No People of Color Selected to Serve

George Zimmerman

Reporting by: Dennis Byron

Moments ago, A jury of six women (5 whites and 1 Hispanic) have been chosen by the elimination of over 500 potentials jurors that were a part of the selection process to sit on a panel that will decide the fate of accused killer George Zimmerman.

Hip Hop Enquirer has been in the courtroom during the selection process and while there have been several black jurors interviewed by both sides, today both defense and the prosecution have used their 10 allowed peremptory strikes to excludes people of color for one reason or another.

In particular, George Zimmerman’s defense attorney Mark O’ Mara spent an exceptional amount of time questioning black jurors on their biases as it related to this case.

The profiles of the jurors selected are broken down as follows:

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