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Breaking: Opening Statements in the George Zimmerman Trial Begins Within Minutes (Live Reporting)

george zimmerman
Trayvon Martin family holds a press conference inside the courthouse moments before the start of the trial

By Dennis Byron

On Saturday, judge Debra Nelson issued a major ruling in the George Zimmerman case in which she made a ruling on the Frye hearing that the audio expert witnesses for the prosecution won’t be allowed to tell the jury that they believed the voices heard on the 7 second 911 tape was Trayvon Martin. This is a major blow to the prosecution as the tape was the most crucial piece of evidence in the prosecution of George Zimmerman.

However, family members from both side will be able to testify who they believed the voice is (George Zimmerman or Trayvon Martin)  but in the end it will come down to who the jurors will believe. Trial will began in less than an hour.

This is Dennis Byron reporting live outside the Seminole county courthouse in Sanford, Florida.

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