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Fat Joe Sentenced To Four Months On Tax Evasion Charges

Fat Joe Sentenced To Prison For Failing To Pay Taxes

Fat Joe was sentenced to four months in prison today in federal court in Newark for failing to pay his taxes.

The Don, whose real name is Joseph Cartagena, plead guilty in December to failing to pay taxes on more than $1 million of income he earned between 2007 and 2010.

Federal prosecutors said he failed to pay about $700,000 in taxes on earnings of $3.3 million between 2007 and 2010.

Joe was also hit with a $150,000 fine and one year of supervised released once his sentence is completed.

Fat Joe previously spoke with MTV on the looming troubles and as Joe explains, it wasn’t his fault. Luckily for Joe, its only four months. Ask Wesley Snipes and Ja Rule.

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