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Review: Sesac’s Peniece Le Gall Hosts Music Speed Dating Workshop at IMC And It Was A Huge Success!

peniece sesac
This element of the International Music Conference was probably the best component added as it provided an opportunity for aspiring songwriters and music producers to possibly forge future collaborations together. There were over 60 participants for this special event and from what we could observe there was a overall positive takeaway by all attendees. Sesac’s Peniece Le Gall execution of the music speed dating segment was professional and top notch.

Stay tuned in for our other reviews for the overall International Music Conference as it relates to the producer’s showcase, artist showcase, and other related IMC panels as well as their exclusive “VIP” Brunch in the upcoming days.Are you a songwriter that wants to collaborate with a music producer or other songwriter? Do you have an idea for a song that needs to be flushed out with another creative mind and you don’t know where to turn to?

On September 21st in Atlanta, you will have an opportunity to meet like-minded creative people at this year’s International Music Conference for a special panel entitled P.R.O. mancing the Song – A Music Speed Date”

The workshop will take place at the fabulous Georgian Terrace Hotel in the heart of Atlanta across from the world-famous Fox Theater. Be prepared to interact with some of the most recognized people in the music industry who’s main focus is to create great music.

Penience Le Gall

Sesac’s Peniece Le Gall is the Director of Writers/Publish Relations for their Atlanta office and she will be coordinating this unique workshop.

Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine was a media sponsor for this event

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