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New Reveal: Pusha T Releases the Artwork to his Upcoming Solo Album ‘My Name is My Name’ Designed by Kanye West

Pusha (My Name is My Name)
Pusha T
Pusha T’s long-awaited, long-delayed solo debut, My Name is My Name, finally arrives October 8th via Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Music label. Today, Pusha’s boss revealed the album’s two covers, which were designed by Kanye himself and his creative company, DONDA.

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Both pieces of art seem to share a similar aesthetic to Kanye West’s latest album Yeezus, which dealt with themes of consumerism and racism. In fact, for his performance on Saturday Night Live, Kanye was backed by images of price tags and “Not For Sale” graphics. And Pusha’s second cover, below, looks to feature the same video game-esque graphics as Kanye’s video for “Black Skinhead”.

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