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Music Alert: Tamar Braxton Received By Long Lines Of ‘Tamartians’

Tamar poses for a pic

Words by Alyson Robinson

Hundreds of fans waited in long lines stretched around the Best Buy in Valley Stream, NY, to see recording artist and TV star Tamar Braxton. Tamar  was greeted at her in-store autograph signing with adoring ‘Tamartians’ who held posters gleaming with ‘Tamar-isms’ like “she won,”  “She. Me. Her.” and “She did that.”

Fans waited patiently at the event presented by WBLS to get a moment with the star, whose album “Love and War” was released yesterday. The album that was available for pre-order on iTunes, Walmart, Best Buy, and Amazon, shot up to number one on the iTunes R&B chart. The album’s title track, was a number one Adult Urban Contemporary hit for 10 consecutive weeks, and the second single, “The One,” also received similar acclamation.

Alongside Tamar was her husband and manager, Vince Herbert, and her parents, Evelyn and Michael Braxton.

“Love and War,” the album, is now available for purchase in stores. To keep up with Tamar, follow her on Twitter at @TamarBraxtonHer or go to her website


Photo Credit Naj Wareham & Patrick Neree

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