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Nicki Minaj & Producer RedOne Being Sued for Copyright Infringement for “Starships”

nicki minaj
There is nothing more disappointing than to have received a fat royalty check for one of the hottest songs of your career and then be told the song might not belong to you after all. Rapper Nicki Minaj along with music producer RedOne might have to do some explaining to a federal jury in regards to her song smash hit”Starships”
According to the Chicago Tribune, a ‘reclusive’ musician named Clive Tanaka claims that Minaj’s smash hit infringes on the song “Neu Chicago” by Clive Tanaka y su Orquesta. Though completely different tone and message, the songs actually do hold similarities in sound. Tanaka’s camp was unavailable for comment at this time as his lawyer reported he is “working on a new album and screenplay.” Check out both videos below and let us know if you hear any similarities in the song. And leave a comment in the box below with your thoughts on this impending lawsuit.
[kkytv id=”vSeoeFoA7c0″]
[kkytv id=”SeIJmciN8mo”]
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