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Rapper 2 Chainz Talks About Botched Robbery Attempt at Wendy’s Restaurant

2 Chainz
On Friday, September 6, 2013, 2 Chainz was featured in the Hip Hop Improv Show – Take it Personal presented by Hot 97’s Cipha Sounds and Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB), the top improv theater and school in NYC. Improvisers from Cipha Sounds’ team “A Tribe Called YES” (Abra Tabak, Anthony Atamanuik, Lydia Hensler, Phillip Jackson, Anthony Apruzzese, Shaun Diston, and Cipha Sounds) reenacted stories originally told by 2 Chainz.

During the show rapper 2 Chainz shared a story about the time him and his friends attempted to rob a Wendy’s but one of his classmates recognized his voice. “2 Chainz was top of my list to get on my show, and now its done. He killed it like I knew he would. And don’t ever accuse him of buying a coach bag for no chicks. Its doesn’t matter if u are underground, commercial, conscience, or ratchet… If you got stories we can make it into the funniest show ever” said Cipha Sounds.

The moral of the story is that you must stick to what you know how to do best and in 2 Chainz case, stay out the robbery business.

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